Sunday, October 4, 2009



"We made the record that we want to hear.."

Don't know what they are, not going to call them punk, noise, whatever.. They just make great sounding shit and I like it.. 

Check their myspace to listen to the new record "No Fiction".

The xx

←The xx

You can not like music, if you don't get The xx. They also remix, as a band, other artists songs. Jaime from The xx remixes for artists as well. Here are a few of many good songs.

The xx - VCR

Florence + The Machine - You Got The Love (The xx Remix)

Jack Penate - Pull My Heart Away (Jamie xx Remix)

Eliza Doolittle - Money Box (Jamie xx Remix)

The xx - Hot Like Fire (Aaliyah Cover)

The XX - Shelter (Them Jeans Drum Edit)